1) Login to your Wordpress Admin. Click on "Post" then "Add New".
2) Enter your blog post. Highlight the sentence where you want to insert your own affiliate link and then click on the "link icon".
3) Insert your full affiliate link inside URL. Tick " Open link in a new tab" as highlighted. Once done, click on "Add Link".
4) Click on "Preview" to check whether your link is active. A new window will direct you to your new blog post.
Check whether clicking on your blog post link will redirect you to our official site.
5) If redirection to Serverfreak main site is successful, then close the preview window and select "Publish".
6) Now you should be able to see "Post Published. View Post". Click on the link to see your new post.
New Tutorial: How to Insert Image and Redirect it to Your Affiliate Link
If you wish to insert your custom image and redirect it to your affiliate link, you may perform the following steps:
1) Create you new post and click on Add Media.
2) Click on Select Files > Open > Insert into Post.
3) Click on the desired image once and click on the Link Chain icon as highlighted below.
4) Enter your Affiliate link in URL. Tick the box for Open Link in New Tab before clicking on Add Link.
5) Click on the "Publish" button if everything is done and fine.
6) This is how your new post with new image shall appear in your blog post.